Business or Corporate

Editing and Proofreading for Business or Corporate

Outsourcing your business editing to an objective third party also avoids the pitfalls of office politics and managerial influence. Confidential oversight from a professional editor will improve your business writing.

If you have a great business, a good business or a bad business, it starts with first impressions, and if a website for a great business is written in a bland, styleless, even amateurish way, people will look elsewhere, and because of this fact, your business may fail. My role in helping you is not merely about how many spelling mistakes there are or whether there is a full stop when there should be a comma or have capitalised letters that should not be. The way your website is written, the style it is written in, the use of language; does it flow, if not what is it lacking; this can be a very difficult thing to work out for somebody who is not a professional editor. You have competitors anywhere and everywhere. The services of a professional experienced skilful editor is what every business and website needs. 

What will you receive?

  1. An edited document in which spelling errors, grammatical mishaps and typing mistakes have been corrected
  2. changes and suggestions to help improve clarity, flow, structure and readability
  3. comments and suggestions that will help you improve the document and refine your message
  4. a short summary of the work that has been done and any major concerns
  5. an edited document in which spelling errors, grammatical mistakes errors and typing mishaps have been corrected
  6. changes and suggestions to help improve clarity, flow, structure and readability
  7. tracked revisions so that you can see and review all the changes that have been made
  8. comments on any remaining issues or concerns in the document
  9. a short summary of the work that has been done and any major concerns

What types of documents can you use this service for?

  1. corporate blog posts
  2. social media posts
  3. reports
  4. proposals
  5. business plans
  6. marketing and advertising
  7. other business documents

for pricing  contact me

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