
Have Your Book Professionally Edited

Whether you have written an epic poem, a novel you have worked tirelessly on for some years, an autobiography or whatever it is, I can help as I have worked on many manuscripts and I also stress the importance of you the author maintaining your voice and your creative control. If you have written nonfiction, be assured I will be focused on helping you communicate your ideas clearly and concisely, giving you a better, stronger and more perfectly crafted manuscript. 

Get a Professional Book Critique

Everyone needs an unbiased critique of their work. Sharing your book with friends, family and colleagues may give you universal acclaim, but none of these people can give you the honest and objective book critique you need to publish your book. If you want to be successful in an increasingly competitive market, you need the expert opinion of an experienced writing professional. Take the first step: get a professional book critique.

I want to support you at every stage of writing, regardless of how much writing experience you have. My book critique service provides you with expert advice on your initial draft, highlighting your book's next steps and areas that could be improved. I will provide the affordable, high-quality critique you need and I will help make you a better writer.

After reading your book from start to finish, I will write a systematic and detailed analysis of your work. For fiction, I look closely at tone, form, language, plot, characterisation, dialogue and other narrative elements. For nonfiction, I examine the support for your arguments, the organisation of your book and the clarity of your prose. 

The best person to work on your book with you, working closely every step of the way, ideally would like somebody who has experience in writing short stories, poetry and manuscripts. That is where I come in. I have written twelve manuscripts - 250 short stories and numerous poems -  and have been offered contracts by big publishing houses for all of them, but, as yet, have declined them, as there are disagreements with the contracts, but it is an ongoing process, so I know what it is like to be sat in front of a computer screen, puffing away on a cigarette, drinking coffee into the early hours, day in day out. I know the motivations to write, identifying why a writer writes. I know, for instance, going off the writers' manuscript, everything I need to know about the writer: what they read, how they think, what the emphasis is on and so on, this is an area I am an expert on. In addition to this, I know every form of writing, every genre, I also have a Master Degree in English literature. I will be there with you every step of the way. I am a phone call away, which you can contact me any time of the day or night. 

What will I receive? 

  1. An easy-to-follow critique of your book that is 1–2 pages in length. 
  2. an assessment of the elements that might affect the salability of your book
  3. an analysis of the key elements of your work, such as plot, dialogue, characterisation, structure, coherence, consistency and organisation
  4. critical commentary indicating where arguments need more support, where the storyline or flow could be improved, where there are unfinished or contradictory thoughts, and more
  5. identification of what is not working in your book and any areas that could be improved
  6. line-by-line proofreading of your book, including corrections of any spelling, grammar errors and typing mistakes and inconsistencies
  7. tracked revisions so that you can see and review all of your editor's changes, giving you complete creative control over your book
  8. changes and suggestions to help improve clarity, flow, structure and readability

What types of manuscripts qualify for a book critique? 

  1. Novels, novellas, and short stories
  2. Plays and screenplays
  3. Poems and collections of poetry
  4. General nonfiction (memoirs, biographies, history, etc.)

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