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English Editing and English Proofreading

It is hard to get ahead in the academic world or the business world. It is even harder when you have to communicate in a different language.

Your writing will be edited by myself, a  professional editor and proofreader, who has worked with people from various countries and know about the issues you struggle with, things like article usage or countable nouns. I am a native English speaker, so you can be sure that I, as your editor, have vast experience in editing and proofreading documents in your field or subject area. 


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Achieve What You Want with Academic  Editing

In terms of academic success, staying at the front of the pack is always a challenge. Taking advantage of professional academic editing can help your work reach its potential and increase your chances of being published in professional journals in your field. In addition, I can help you free up time and energy by formatting your citations and references according to the style guide of your choice.

As an experienced editor I will help you to improve the style, organisation, clarity and tone of your writing. Your subject matter is complex enough so let me help you communicate your ideas so that they remain clear and easy to read. I will correct any errors and they will highlight potential problem areas in your work and offer suggestions on how to improve them. I will help you to ensure consistency and improve your writing. 


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Have Your Book Professionally Edited

Editing and proofreading your special manuscript is a job for a professional editor. 

So you have written a novel, an epic poem, a work of nonfiction, a play or screenplay. I know about important things like leaving the dialect alone, preserving your voice and vision and making sure you retain complete creative control. If you have written nonfiction, be assured I will be focused on helping you communicate your ideas clearly and concisely, giving you a better, stronger and more perfectly crafted manuscript.


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Editing and Proofreading for Business or Corporate

In the business world, time is money. Your day is busy enough without having to worry about checking or improving memos, reports, presentations, manuals and all of those other vital but time-consuming documents.

Yet, you want to be noticed for your ideas, not your mistakes. Sending an important memo out to the masses with even one typing error can be disastrous. You never know who is keeping track of the little things.

I will help you establish and maintain your professional reputation by providing the best editing for your business communications. Let me take care of the details so that you can focus on the key aspects of your business. 


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Fixing Those Errors

As a professional editor, I will check your spelling and grammar, ensuring your paper is error-free, including in-depth comments to help you improve the structure, clarity, style and flow of your writing.

With editing and proofreading, you are more likely to be offered a place at university. The detailed feedback you receive will help you improve your essay writing skills for the future.


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Make Sure That You Are Making Your Point in the Best Way Possible

When you need to make a point and present yourself well, that is where I come in. Tell me about your audience and the purpose of your early draft, and I will help you focus your message so that your thoughts come across clearly and cleanly. I will look at your document with a keen eye making it stronger.

I will correct the little errors that can detract from your message, including spelling, grammar and typing mistakes. I am a professional and can make your writing look professional.